Roses finally taking off with rainwater...

Rainwater collected at driveway flows into pump basin.

More new plant growth with rainwater system.

The heart of the design, a high quality pump matched with the right distance and size pipe.

Large, easy turn valves send the saved rainwater where you want it.

Easy to use sturdy valves shunt rainwater from your roof gutter downspouts, into a sump basin for pumping. Just one pull and the rain water goes back into the usual downspout drains.

Sturdy 1-1/4" pipes carry rainwater from pump basin to garden areas, where it's released from holes at predesigned intervals.

Store extra rainwater in simple cans for easy potted plant watering, or go bigger with a 200gal or 2,000 gallon storage tank.

Pipes cover 30' at a time, gently spreading hundreds of gallons of saved rainwater onto your plants.

Even hydrate small or hard to reach areas with our proprietary system.

These plants have been on our rainwater system for 8 months and they are really growing. No pumped in city water means better plants and saving the environment.