A standard CalFire approved water tank can be used by Fire Department in an emergency as well as for our Fire Deluge System and garden irrigation.

These Rainbirds shoot gallon in four seconds or 15 gallons per minute. When piped together, 10 of these will put down just about any wild fire situation you may encounter in these coastal monuntain areas. Unless you live in the middle of the brush-not reccomended.

This 8 HP gasoline motor and pump will turn out more water than a fire truck with a hydrant, automaticaly.

Two and a half inch galvanized steel pipe assures your deluge system will work, regardless of fire conditions.

Fire Suppression by Cole Construction. We use 65 GPM Rainbirds with high pressuse pumps to deluge your house and surroundings with 3700 gallons in 20 minutes when a wild fire is detected at your building site.

This design shows one method of protecting fire suppression equipment in a concrete bunker, up against a steel water storage tank.

This CalFire approved fire wire product is commercially used in fire alerts and suppression. The wire is installed along eves, beams or along fences, anywhere fire may occur. As soon as the wire reaches 190 degrees that triggers the deluge system, flooding the area with water or other fire suppressant.

Automatic valve opens tank water to pump on comand.