Grant Processing
Licenses and degrees.
California General Contracting Lic #501504 since 1986
Juris Doctor JD (Law Degree) 2000 Southern Cal Institute of Law
As a licensed and working California general contractor and designer (Lic# 501504)... I have pulled hundreds of permits and designed many of my own projects for clients. I've specialized in concrete foundations, channel building/repair, road/runway drainage, apartment/condo drainage projects and massive foundation and house lifting and hydraulic lifting and leveling projects for over 30 years.
We can oversee and accomplish all the steps for water capture/storage projects grant processing. My legal understanding JD (Juris Doctor) has been invaluable to negotiate the great beurocracy involved with government grant writting. A law degree really helps in understanding and organizing the most efficient professionals throughout our county to complete projects.
At Cole Design Montecito we can offer a seamless concept to buildout process for your grant application needs. Unlike other grant preparers, we can survey watershed areas and create working concept designs in house in a matter of weeks. This precludes the need for costly outside engineering and endless studies that consume hundreds of thousands of dollars and months and years of time.
Our process involves determining a municipalities needs, surveying the areas watershed capabilities and determining the best most efficient course of design. This way our clients get more prompt results, more accurate results and without water of time and money.
We can offer to local governments all phases of the grant process.
Starting with:
1) Surveying sites and providing options for water capture and storage, all in house without delays and the wasted time and money of calling in outside help.
2) Providing profesional engineered concepts and grant ready plans and details,
3) Organizing and submitting grant applications to the various state agencies,
4) Selecting and overseeing the bid process to qualified builders,
5) Overseeing the construction process,
We offer all services at an hourly rate of $140/hr plus expenses. All outside work will be vouchered and submitted for direct payment.
Principals Background