Maria Ignacio Fish Ladder//300 Acre Feet Storage Project
This project uses rainwater runoff that gathers at Maria Ignacio Creek, at the confluence of these two
streams as it passes under highway 101 and the railroad trestle. The watershed flows from highway 101
north/east to the top of highway 154 flows into these two creeks.
From USGS DESCRIPTION: Maria....change this out Goleta, CA Latitude 34°27'33", Longitude 119°48'29" NAD27 Santa
Barbara County, California, Hydrologic Unit 18060013 Drainage area: 5.51 square milesDatum of gage: 95.61 feet above N
My design here involves installing a fish ladder and stormwater capture design at this railroad trestle,
where fish are prevented from climbing upstream by a 7' drop. We plan to capture and collect
floodwaters and store them at a nearby open area alone San Antonio creek and use this water later to
irrigate parks along the watershed and keep the riparian habitat enhanced.
Yngacio Design Video..
Full Concept Design here..
Jan 20 2017 deluge conditions on Maria Ignacio

Maria Ignacio entering from left and San Antonio right...flowing under HWY101 Jan 20 2017 11:30 AM
After 1" rain over night and a 1" one hour downpour at 9:30 AM